Irish Shamrock Double Beer Can Helmet
Irish Shamrock Double Beer Helmet.
Take your love for partying to the next level! This beer helmet allows you to get your party on while freeing up your hands so you can cause all the mischief you like with out ever putting down your beer. Whether you want to be the life of the party or are just looking for a practical way to do work or chores while sipping your way inebriation this is the hat for you! Each drinking helmet is one size fits all adjustable and holds 2 full cans of beer, soda or whatever concoction you are willing to pour in to an empty beer can. Two main tube (one on each side of the helmet) are simply inserted in to the top of each can, those to tubes converge in to a single straw that you can drink from. There is even a flow stopper so you don't get a bad case of the spills. You can drink your beer at your own pace; sip it and make it last or let the intense siphoning effect empty both beers in to your mouth at blinding speeds! This party time classic is a must have for any party.
Take your love for partying to the next level! This beer helmet allows you to get your party on while freeing up your hands so you can cause all the mischief you like with out ever putting down your beer. Whether you want to be the life of the party or are just looking for a practical way to do work or chores while sipping your way inebriation this is the hat for you! Each drinking helmet is one size fits all adjustable and holds 2 full cans of beer, soda or whatever concoction you are willing to pour in to an empty beer can. Two main tube (one on each side of the helmet) are simply inserted in to the top of each can, those to tubes converge in to a single straw that you can drink from. There is even a flow stopper so you don't get a bad case of the spills. You can drink your beer at your own pace; sip it and make it last or let the intense siphoning effect empty both beers in to your mouth at blinding speeds! This party time classic is a must have for any party.