Baby Orangutan Big Face Men's T-Shirt
Baby Orangutan Big Face Men's T-Shirt
If Tarzan is your favorite romantic movie, if you think that kid from Jumanji got a pretty sweet all expenses paid vacation, if your planning to name your first born child Mogli or Pocahontas, then you my friend are in the right place. You are a person of the forest which, little known factoid, is exactly what Orangutan means. This Mountain Big Face Baby Orangutan Adult T-Shirt has been made for you. Look into the face of your soul, it's medium weight 100% cotton and preshrunk. You can wash it as many times as you need to get all that jungle mud off and it will still fit all 96.4% of your shared genes. This shirt is the closest a jungle soul like yourself can get to wearing their heart on their sleeve.
The Mountain